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Showing posts from April 18, 2010

My description

I was asked to write a description on the two choreographies to be submitted prior to EC, I am not sure what for but I'd be interested to see the other's descriptions... Idea behind the Choreography for  5 Hoops  This choreography goes hand in hand with the music. The choreography slowly begins to unfold as the music starts. The idea behind it was to show the struggle, the battle and fight between "Good & Evil". Wether one fights against others, or against ones self. The choreography represents the difficult "Path" these girls must go through to reach their final destination!  Idea behind the Choreography Ribbons & Ropes  This choreography is to be seen as a Theater Performance! A none stop Spanish dance off between two teams that ends in a confetti of a billowing toss/collaboration that brings them all together as one! The End

tra la la ...

Group Finals were negotiated last night. There is so much shit ... that I am too tired to even bother writing. What is important to know is that: Spain had no judge in 5 Hoops on the 1st day - that is why the score of that "Medal Deserving" performance was so low! Imagine if we had a judge in that "brigada" how much of a difference that would have made on the final standing! In fact interesting to some may be that, the scores for Spain's 5 Hoops were so low that the judges were called to "the table" and asked to change them. We are talking scores so ridiculously low that even Shishkovska couldn't allow them!! The same one that was clapping... The same one who had called the judges to the table (not too long ago in Portimao) and ask them to penalize us for 0.750 for bad choice of music ...  If there is one thing that I like about this whole bulls*** , is the fact that I had these "old school babushki" listening to Metalica and Apocalypti


Russia 5 Hoops - Italy 5 Hoops - Belorussia 5 Hoops - Spain 5 Hoops - Russia 3 + 2 - Italy - 3 + 2 -