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Showing posts from April 11, 2010

The pressure is on!

I am pretty well informed when it comes to RG. Information comes to me all the time from different "resources". Wether I ask for it or not, it still finds it's way to me! Now, I have no time to snoop around the internet, but apparently there are some folks out there in "Never Never Land" who think they know better and think they are more informed than those of us who actually do know! We have part time photographers/fans and "Professional fans" of RG, who's opinions are posted all over the internet, with predictions of what the placing will be at the coming EC in Germany! My opinion on those opinions is - it's all bullshit! Yes, that's what I said - Bullshit! Why do I say such a thing? I am so vulgar and rude! Because, none of those people can predict the future , or can they? Well, maybe some things are true when it comes to Russia being on the stand regardless of how bad they do! The other fact is, that whoever is the host of a competi