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The pressure is on!

I am pretty well informed when it comes to RG. Information comes to me all the time from different "resources". Wether I ask for it or not, it still finds it's way to me!
Now, I have no time to snoop around the internet, but apparently there are some folks out there in "Never Never Land" who think they know better and think they are more informed than those of us who actually do know!
We have part time photographers/fans and "Professional fans" of RG, who's opinions are posted all over the internet, with predictions of what the placing will be at the coming EC in Germany! My opinion on those opinions is - it's all bullshit! Yes, that's what I said - Bullshit! Why do I say such a thing? I am so vulgar and rude! Because, none of those people can predict the future , or can they?
Well, maybe some things are true when it comes to Russia being on the stand regardless of how bad they do! The other fact is, that whoever is the host of a competition - last year was Japan, and now it's Germany - we see a HUGE push and a Huge difference in scoring and placing! Shocking? Not any more. Privileges are given to those who host and ... it is what it is, we can't change that! Sad but true.
Azerbaijan has the support of mrs. Thing, because it is after all her birth place! Azerbaijan has a bulgarian coach , who is a former gymnast of Efrossina Angelova and my former team mate from the same small town of Targovishte - where I was born. So with the knowledge installed in her thanks to  Efrossina Angelova and her "Politicly well located" we shall expect Azerbaijan to be pushed and pushed hard! That is why judges are important.
Belorussia is in my opinion a strong team with great technical background and if they don't make any huge mistakes , they deserve to be up on that podium!
Italy, is clean because Italy has been doing the same elements sense - correct me if i'm wrong - 5 years now! I am bored to death with Italy's choreographies! Come on now, how many times are we gonna sing the "same song with a different drum beat"? Seriously? Good execution, clean performances ... yes, because it's the same shit from way back when I did the commentary for 2005 World Championship in Baku! If anyone recorded any of my commentary for WCSN from that competition, please post it here! I am especially interested in seeing what I said about Kapranova... who is the biggest joke that Russia ever played on us all... in my humble opinion that is!
Israel has Very strong judges - and thats all they have!
Bulgaria, is not strong enough with this new team and choreography! I wish they kept what they had last year, because it was great!
France is too young and although they have a good 5 hoop beginning, they should get penalized for it, because of static equipment & gymnast. This is not a dance competition after all!
But, where is Spain in all this?
Well, Spain has been quietly working on execution and changing difficulties to make sure they get counted! Spain has changed some gymnast , but has kept the same choreographies because - "if it ain't broke , why fix it"! After Thais , Spain has made more changes and raised the starting score to maximum , in order to match it's rivals! Spain is not counting on it's judges, but it is counting on a strong, difficult and clean performance! And if the group of Spain does deliver a strong performance with out any drops, Spain should be on the podium! It is all about perfect execution! Let's hope that the fact that there have not been enough "practice competitions" will not hinder the girls mental stability! Let's hope that, in the future, those responsible for getting the Spanish Group team to international competitions will do so! Let's hope that the absence or replacement of a second much needed coach, because of lack of monetary support , will not be yet another factor! So all this extra work the coaches have been putting in, is not gonna go to waist! Spain deserves a medal , if Spain does not drop! And that is the real truth!
FYI - I will be posting and commenting on every team and their score, once the competition starts!
I want and expect full and total support from the spanish community and those who are real fans of what "we" are trying to do!
2 more days till the teams leave for Germany, the pressure is ON!


Private said…
I'm still trying to find the part where you said someone messed up on a toss that 5 year olds are taught and the part where you and Bart compared the Mrs. to Tony Soprano.. But here is Kapranova's ribbon.
Stella Angelova said…
ha ha ha ... awesome!
Thank you!
Stella Angelova said…
BTW - that was my commentary on Gurbanova's Ribbon toss i believe.
Private said…
Oh forget it. Here's the hole AA competition. the first 20 or 30 minutes or so is colored bars.
Stella Angelova said…
Sadly I can't download anything on this computer right now :(
Thank you though
Unknown said…
Well, we are, the Spanish fans, Cainites, that is clear but, Stella, that's something you have to live, we are so, it is our nature. We are also a very participatory fans, we encourage and applaud the gymnasts. In other countries, competitions become boring because the fans do not animated. We talk too much? Maybe, but we greatly appreciate the freedom to say stupid things, heh, heh. Do not worry because we are more or less positive, because we always encourage our girls to win everything. We are a winning nation in sports other than football, basketball, handball, roller hockey, field hockey, tennis, bikes, cars, sailing, martial arts ... I could go on to infinity ... just look at synchronized swimming, the Spanish club expires at the injustices using quality, as you say. We are there behind, supporting the Spanish to win. Great force, and for them.
PD: The problems with the resources of de Spanish FederatiĆ³n, its other problem, that isn´t it in our hands. I wish that they open their eyes and their ears to see and hear all you have to say...for the good of all.
Go on.
Cappy said…
ok,here´s one fan and supporter of the spanish group for ya!!! i think you are all doing great,keep it up and your posts too!!!
Stella Angelova said…
Hey AL,
I have no problem with all the spanish fans who are giving their opinions and critisizing everybody ... i have a problem with those who are giving their opinions and then critisizing mine!!... And thinking that i have no right to speak my opinion! Why ? I am not under contract with ANY federation! I am a Free Agent! I am an "Independent Contractor"!! I have worked as a choreographer and coach for other countries and i still do, and I will if I want to!! I have worked as a commentator, and have been asked to give my opinion ...because ...well "I happen to know what I'm talking about"!!! So, to those "Fans" I like to say _" Read my very 1st Post again! Than Read my post called "I'm just sayin' !! Because , I refuse to repeat my self with yet another post that will explain Why and Where I am coming from!!
Cappy - thanks!
Unknown said…
Stella, really i don´t Know why some of us are like this, but is so. It´s sad but don´t leave that this worry you, go on. You have the same freedom to talk that the rest of us, to me more, because your knowledges are a very interesting point of seeing from all of us, that are out of Rithmic Gymnastic Tour. Without fear and "pa alante".
Stella Angelova said…
Oh ... I am not going anywhere ... I am just waiting and seeing ;) To be continued ...

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